While I’m hardly the first person to write a recipe on how to prepare steel-cut oatmeal, the way I prepare it has evolved over the years to fit my son’s sensory aversions to certain food textures. Like him, many children with ADHD and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) have difficulty with certain tastes, texture and smells. Because eating is such a multi-sensorial experience, one of the ways I try to minimize nutritional deficiencies is to include whole foods with various textures and flavors as much as possible.
Kids with SPD usually struggle with eating because it’s such a multi-sensory experience. A child with sensory processing issues has difficulties with food textures, flavors, and smells because they can be overwhelming. I think it’s ok to offer veggies processed in different ways other than just cooking in order to keep things varied.
I love a good vegan recipe, even though I haven't been vegan for years. This one is adapted from Mary Vance who is not only an amazing holistic nutrition consultant but also a powerhouse of knowledge. I’ve changed it slightly to appeal to my son’s palate. Since he has food sensory issues and some aversion to nuts, I make this recipe a little sweet. He has enjoyed it for years, and even renamed it “baking fudge” because vegan and baking apparently are the same word, and I sure as hell ain’t gonna be the one correcting an adorable recipe name.
Nice to e-meet you!I'm a single mom, graphic designer, crunchy mama, trekkie geek, life warrior. It's embarrassing how excited I get about food. I'm an expert in barefoot Lego fire walk. Note: If you arrived here via a broken link, please note I had to rebuild this site due to my previous hosting company crashing. Not all blog posts were salvaged.
January 2019